
Mark Carney
気候変動対策及びファイナンスに関する国連事務総長特使 /
GFANZ(Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero)議長
Mark Carney is currently the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and Chair for the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero, a practitioner-led coalition working to increase the financial sector’s ambition on climate change and accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy. Mark is a member of the Arnhold Distinguished Fellowship Program Board within Conservation International.
Mark was previously Governor of the Bank of England (from 2013 to 2020), and Governor of the Bank of Canada (from 2008 to 2013). Internationally, Mark was Chair of the Financial Stability Board (from 2011 to 2018), He chaired the Global Economy Meeting and Economic Consultative Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (from 2018-2020) and was First Vice-Chair of the European Systemic Risk Board (from 2013-2020).
Mark is also an external member of Stripe’s Board, a global technology company building economic infrastructure for the internet. He is Vice Chair of Brookfield Asset Management and a member of the Global Advisory Board of PIMCO, the Group of Thirty, the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, as well as the boards of Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society at INSEAD.
Mark was born in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada in 1965. After growing up in Edmonton, Alberta, he obtained a bachelor degree in Economics from Harvard and masters and doctorate degrees in Economics from Oxford.
After a thirteen-year career with Goldman Sachs, Mark was appointed Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada in 2003. In 2004, he became Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Finance. He held this position until his appointment as Governor of the Bank of Canada in February 2008.

水野 弘道
ワールドエコノミックフォーラム(WEF)/グローバル フューチャー カウンシルメンバー
THE Bチーム/リーダー
CFA インスティチュート/フューチャー オブ ファイナンス アドバイザリー カウンシルメンバー
グローバル ビジネス コアリション フォーエデュケーション(GBC)/アドバイザリー ボードメンバー
コアリション フォー インクルーシブ キャピタリズム/ガーディアン
ハーバード ビジネススクール/エグゼクティブフェロー
オックスフォード大学サイードビジネススクール/グローバルリーダーシップ カウンセルメンバー
ケンブリッジ大学 ジャッジ ビジネススクール/ヴィジティングフェロー
大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科/招聘教授

Darian McBain
シンガポール金融管理局(MAS)Chief Sustainability Officer
Dr. Darian McBain is the Chief Sustainability Officer for the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Dr McBain has more than 20 years of deep experience in sustainability roles spanning across various sectors. Prior to this was most recently Global Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability in Thai Union Group, a leading global seafood supplier conglomerate. Dr McBain holds a PhD in social indicators for global supply chain analysis, MSc in Business Strategy, Politics and Environment, and a Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental). She was named as a United Nations SDG Pioneer for a Sustainable Ocean Economy in 2021, and one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business 2020.
Her previous work includes serving as the Sustainable Procurement Lead for the UK’s National Health Service, advising the United Nations, working with WWF on palm oil and supply risk analysis, and heading her own strategy and sustainability consultancy. She is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer of Integrated Sustainability Analysis at the University of Sydney and is a published author and spokesperson on issues relating to sustainability, sustainable finance, business human rights and supply chains.
Darian’s work has been highly recognized. She is the recipient of the Edie Sustainability Leader of the Year Award 2018, Ethical Corporation 2018 Responsible Business Leader of the Year, SeaWeb Seafood Leader of the Year for Vision 2019, CSR Asia’s Sustainability Superwomen 2019, Anti-Slavery Australia’s Freedom Award 2019, one of Intrafish’s Seafood Power 100 Most Influential Executives 2020, Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business for 2020, Harvard Business Council 2020 International Business Excellence Professional Award, Advance award winner for Sustainability 2021, and was named a UNGC Sustainable Development Goal Pioneer for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

天谷 知子
金融庁 金融国際審議官

Sonja Gibbs
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Finance, Global Policy Initiatives, the Institute of International Finance (IIF)
Sonja leads the IIF’s work on sustainable finance and sovereign debt policy, focusing on research and advocacy for the Institute’s global membership across the financial services industry. Her research interests include the economic impact and financial market pricing of climate and ESG risks, debt sustainability and market development in emerging markets. She oversees the IIF Weekly Insight, which offers a concise perspective on global financial markets with an ESG lens, and the IIF Global Debt Monitor, which looks across mature and emerging economies for debt-related vulnerabilities such as the rapid buildup in EM corporate debt levels. Her policy work on behalf of the IIF includes outreach and liaison efforts vis-à-vis the G20, the multilaterals, global regulators and standard setters, and the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). She also serves on the Board of the Regional Center for Sustainable Finance (RCSF).
Sonja has spent over 20 years in banking and financial markets, most recently with Nomura International in London, where she was Chief Equity Strategist. Earlier positions include stints as a U.S. economist and bank credit analyst in New York and Los Angeles. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) has an MBA and BA from the University of California, Berkeley. Sonja’s work is widely cited in the financial press; she is a regular speaker on sustainable finance and global debt issues at industry conferences and in the media. She also hosts the popular series of IIF Climate Finance Workshops and ESG Webinars.

Adam C.T. Matthews
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board / Chair, Transition Pathway Initiative
Adam is the Chief Responsible Investment Officer (CRIO) at the Church of England Pensions Board; Together with the CIO he is the co-Director of the Investment Team. He is also the Chair of the $45 trillion in AUM backed Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) and a Board Member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, (IIGCC). He co-leads sector engagement with the mining and steel sectors for the global investor engagement initiative, Climate Action 100+. He Chairs the Mining 2030 which is developing an Investor Agenda to address systemic challenges to mining and the low carbon transition.
Further Information:
Following the Brumadinho Tailings Dam disaster in Brazil in January 2019, Adam set up and chairs the $20 trillion supported Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative with John Howchin, Ambassador to the Initiative. He also represented the UN backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in the development of the first Global Tailings Standard, and now co-convenes together with the UN the international process to establish an Independent Global Tailings Management Institute to verify implementation of the standard and to drive safety standards across the mining industry. As part of his work with the industry he is Chair of Mining 2030 which is developing an investor agenda for 2030 addressing systemic challenges to mining and the low carbon transition.
As part of his work as Co-Chair of the Corporate Programme at IIGCC Adam has led the development of the first Net Zero Standard for the Oil and Gas sector and is leading the development of a similar standard for the diversified mining sector.
Adam founded the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) which is an asset owner-led and asset manager-supported global initiative which assess companies’ preparedness for the transition to the low carbon economy (and publishes this through the London School of Economics.) He also set up and co-chaired with the Dutch fund APG the Paris Aligned Investing Initiative that has produced the first global Net Zero Investment Framework for pension funds and investment managers. He now co-chairs with APG the global Board of the Paris Aligned Investing Initiative comprising all regional investor networks.

高田 英樹
金融庁総合政策局 総合政策課長
2015~18年、パリ・OECD(経済協力開発機構)に出向し、グリーン・ファイナンス(環境金融)を担当。帰国後、日本の官民のグリーン・ファイナンス関係者の連携、海外関係者との協働に向けたプラットフォームとして、Green Finance Network Japanを発足。本業の傍ら、私的にグリーン・ファイナンスに関する活動を続けている。

Tony Rooke
Executive Director, Climate Transition Planning and Sectoral Pathways, GFANZ(Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero)
Dr Tony Rooke is responsible at GFANZ for delivering financial institution's expectations of real economy organisations transition planning, and helping financial institutions to understand and apply sectoral pathways in their net zero targets, actions and monitoring.
He joined GFANZ from WTW in April 2022, where he was Senior Director for Transition Risk, led net-zero transition, TCFD and decarbonisation strategy advisory, and helped formulate the principles and methodology for the transition plan accreditation scheme: Climate Transition Pathways.
Tony has over 24 years of global experience in climate change, sustainability, strategy, advisory and programme delivery. Prior to WTW, he was global Director for Disclosure at CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) responsible for defining, delivering and assessing climate disclosures from over half of the world's companies by market capitalisation, and thousands of cities globally. He has led sustainability consulting practices, and conceived and led an award winning environmental programme at Logica.

秋元 圭吾
平成11年横浜国立大学大学院工学研究科博士課程修了。博士(工学)。同年財団法人 地球環境産業技術研究機構入所、研究員。主任研究員を経て、平成19年、同システム研究グループリーダー・副主席研究員、平成24年11月、同グループリーダー・主席研究員、現在に至る。平成18年国際応用システム分析研究所(IIASA)客員研究員。平成22~26年度東京大学大学院総合文化研究科客員教授。平成24~令和2年日本学術会議連携会員。IPCC第5次および第6次評価報告書代表執筆者。総合資源エネルギー調査会基本政策分科会委員、同電力・ガス事業分科会電力・ガス基本政策小委員会委員、調達価格等算定委員会委員、経済産業省 経済産業分野におけるトランジション・ファイナンス推進のためのロードマップ策定検討会委員(座長)など、政府の各種委員会委員も務めている。エネルギー・環境を対象とするシステム工学が専門

Kevin Ranney
Senior Vice President, Corporate Solutions, Sustainalytics
Kevin has 25 years’ experience in the field of responsible and sustainable investment. He currently leads the development and maintenance of Sustainalytics’ sustainable finance taxonomy and its methodology for the assessment of sustainability-linked instruments, which together form the foundation of the firm’s second-party opinion services to issuers of green, social and sustainability-linked bonds. Previously, he led methodology development in several product areas and worked with a wide variety of asset owners and investment managers on projects ranging from ESG strategy development to the creation of customized frameworks to measure ESG-related risk and impact. He has participated in numerous industry initiatives related to the development of market standards and practice for sustainable finance. He is a former director of the board of Canada’s Responsible Investment Association and of Oikocredit Canada.

小川 宣子
日本航空 ESG推進部長
JALグループは、2020年6月に、2050年までにCO2排出量実質ゼロ(ネット・ゼロエミッション)を目指すことを発表し、省燃費機材への更新、日々の運航での工夫、SAF(Sustainable Aviation Fuel:代替航空燃料)の活用を柱にCO2排出量の削減に取り組んでいます。

Sami Jauhiainen
Vice President, アジア太平洋地域再⽣可能航空燃料担当, Neste
2013 年、ネステ⼊社。戦略・M&A担当のバイスプレジデントとして、ネステグループの事業戦略、
市場調査、M&Aを担当。その後、再⽣可能航空燃料・航空事業開発担当のバイスプレジデントとして、再⽣燃料である「サステイナブルな航空燃料 (SAF)」のグローバル市場開発及び新規ソリュー
2021 年より、シンガポールに異動し、アジア太平洋地域におけるSAF 市場の開発やサプライチェーンとのパートナーシップの構築に従事。同地域におけるSAF 事業責任者として、官⺠のステークホル
1980 年、フィンラインドのヨエンスー⽣まれ。ヘルシンキ経済⼤学⼤学院にて修⼠号 (⾦融)、ヘルシンキ⼯科⼤学⼤学院にて修⼠号 (産業⼯学およびマネジメント) を取得。⽶国サウスカロライナ⼤学ビジスネスクールにも留学している。

Pierre Briens
Head of Aviation Asia Pacific, BNP Paribas
Pierre currently heads the Aviation Asia Pacific team of BNP Paribas. He joined BNP Paribas in 2001, spending a majority of his career in Aviation in APAC, overseeing the financing of hundreds of aircraft.
Over his 16 years in aviation, Pierre has earned several accolades from various reputable institutions including the Asset AAA and Euromoney.
Pierre has also played an instrumental role in several strategic transactions including IPO, M&A, ABS, financial advisory projects and sector-focused ESG initiatives.
Pierre holds a Master in Management from the ESCP Europe Business School.

Jakob Thomae
Co-founder and Executive Director, 2° Investing Initiative
Jakob Thomae is one of the leading global experts on sustainable finance and long-term risks. He co-founded the 2° Investing Initiative network in New York and Berlin and serves as Executive Director of 2° Investing Initiative Deutschland.
Jakob led the development of the first methodology in the world to measure the alignment of financial portfolios with climate goals (PACTA). PACTA remains the most widely used alignment methodology in the world, endorsed by a number of governments and financial supervisors to track financial sector alignment.
In 2020, Jakob launched the 1in1000 research programme designed to integrate complex and long-term risks into financial supervision and decision-making. As part of the programme, Jakob authored the first COVID-19 stress-test scenarios, informing the regulatory response of supervisors in Europe and the United States to the crisis. His work has also informed the climate stress-test scenario design of major central banks and financial supervisors.
Jakob is Research Fellow to the Japanese Financial Services Agency, and previously served as Academic Advisor to the Bank of England and EIOPA. He holds a PhD in Finance from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers. Jakob is also Senior Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, where he teaches a Green Finance course.

Giulia Genuardi
Head of Sustainability Planning & Performance Management and Human Rights, Enel Spa
Graduated in Economics and Management at the University of Palermo and specialization in Administration, Finance and Control at Luiss; after a series of assignments in Enel in the audit department, she deals now with ESG issues related to Enel sustainability plan, reporting, indexes and Human Rights coordinating related activities in the different countries of the Group. She is currently a member of the GSSB of the GRI, of the Board of Directors of Enel Americas and of the EFRAG taskforce for the elaboration of EU sustainability reporting standards.

Mats Rinaldo
Deputy Director of Energy Transition Programme, DNV
Mats holds a Master’s degree in Sustainability Leadership from Cambridge University and a Master of Science in Marine Technology from NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. Mats has spent most of his professional career at DNV. His experience includes various positions within DNV’s Maritime, Software, Business Assurance and Sustainability Business Areas, located in Australia, Japan and currently now in Oslo, Norway. Mats’s previous positions include Director of Operations for DNV's third party services within UNFCCC's carbon market mechanisms and DNV Software Country Manager in Japan. In 2017 Rinaldo transferred into the Energy Transition Programme in DNV Group Research and Development. His work there focuses on understanding the global energy transition towards 2050 and finding solutions to challenges involving energy, technology and climate change.

黒﨑 美穂
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒。Imperial College London環境ビジネス修士号取得

Simon Connell
Global Head of Sustainability Strategy,
Standard Chartered Bank
Simon is Global Head of Sustainability Strategy at Standard Chartered. In this role he leads the Bank’s external engagement, co-ordinates internal action on sustainability across the organisation with a specific focus on climate change and human rights, and leads the Bank’s ESG disclosures.
Simon has over a decade’s experience in helping banks understand and manage environmental and social risks and opportunities presented by their client portfolios, holds a BSc in Politics with Economics and is a qualified Corporate Treasurer and Management Accountant. He is Chair of the University of Cambridge’s Banking Environment Initiative, and Steering Group Chair of the UN-convened Net Zero Banking Alliance.

Keith Tuffley
Vice Chairman, Global Co-Head, Sustainability & Corporate Transitions, Citi
- Keith is the Global Co-Head of Citi’s Sustainability & Corporate Transitions Group. In this role, Keith leads Citi’s sustainability engagement with its corporate clients, supporting them with strategic and M&A advice, financing and capital markets solutions, and investor engagement, as they transition their businesses towards more sustainable models.
- Prior to Citi, Keith was the CEO of The B Team, an NGO comprised of a group of 24 CEO’s of global companies, leading entrepreneurs, and civil society leaders to drive a better way of doing business. Keith was an active participant in the Paris Climate Agreement process and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and led the creation of the first “net-zero companies” in 2015. He was a Founding Board Member of the We Mean Business climate coalition.
- Keith was the Head of Investment Banking, a Partner, and Board Member of Goldman Sachs in Australia. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, he was a Managing Director at UBS. Keith commenced his career as a commercial lawyer for Allen Allen & Hemsley.
- Keith is the Founder of impact investing company, NEUW Ventures SA; a Director the Villars Institute; a Director of the Global Footprint Network (National Footprint Accounts and Earth Overshoot Day); a Director of the EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation (Half-Earth Project); a Governor of WWF Australia; a Global Ambassador for the Wilderness Foundation Global; a Senior Advisor to WILD11; and a member of the Rewilding Europe Circle.
- He holds the following qualifications: Bachelor of Economics; Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws (Sydney University); Advanced Management Program (INSEAD); and Master of Studies in Sustainability Leadership (Cambridge University, UK).

石川 知弘
経営企画部 渉外室長
1996年4月~2008年4月 | メリルリンチ・ジャパン投資銀行部門に入社、金融法人部門に配属となり、大手邦銀を担当、優先株式や劣後債など資本性証券の引受、経営統合や海外におけるM&A、不良債権投資のストラクチャリングなどを手掛ける。 |
2008年5月~2010年4月 | 株式会社レコフに移籍、地銀のM&A、企業再生案件、海外における買収案件などを担当。 |
2010年5月~2013年8月 | ドイチェバンク(東京)投資銀行部に移籍、大手邦銀や生損保の資本調達や海外M&A案件を手掛ける。 |
2013年9月~2015年10月 | 金融庁監督局監督企画局(~2014年7月)その後は健全性基準室でデリバティブ規制の国際交渉や国内導入を担う。またバーゼル銀行監督委員会(BCBS)及び国際証券監督機構(IOSCO)が設けた検討体(Working Group on Margin Requirement:WGMR)傘下の作業部会議長に就任、主要国のマージン規制の調和を図るべく国際交渉のまとめ役を担った。 |
2015年11月~2017年3月 | ドイチェバンク(ロンドン)Government and Regulatory Affairs Division(GRAD)に移籍、欧州における健全性規制(バーゼルIII)、デジタル関連規制、Brexit対応に係るアドボカシーを担当。 |
2017年4月~2018年7月 | MUFG(ロンドン)に移籍、欧州域内の金融規制の情報収集や当局とのアドボカシーチームの責任者に就任。IPU規制案のアドボカシーなどを主導。 |
2018年8月~2021年3月 | MUFG経営企画部渉外室(国際金融規制戦略グループ)次長に就任。グループの国際金融規制のアドボカシー及び破綻処理計画策定を担当。 |
2021年4月~ | 経営企画部渉外室長に就任、国内外の監督当局やバーゼル銀行監督委員会などとのエンゲージメント担当、当局主催の国際会議や業界団体にMUFGを代表して参加。2021年10月にGFMAの理事に就任。またNZBA Steering GroupメンバーやNZBA作業部会の議長としてトランジション・ファイナンスのグローバルな枠組み作りをリードしている。 |
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業(1996年3月)、Woodlands High School(カナダ・トロント)卒業

Emily Woodland
APAC Co-Head of Sustainable Investing, BlackRock
Emily Woodland is APAC Co-Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock. Her team oversees strategy and implementation of BlackRock's sustainable offerings in APAC. Emily previously served as the Head of Sustainable Investment for AMP Capital, and Investment Advisor for Asia Debt Management's sustainable investment programs. Her expertise in sustainability is grounded in over 16 years of APAC investment management experience with UBS, across several asset classes and investment styles. Emily holds a Bachelor's Degree in Financial & Business Economics from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a Masters Degree in Corporate Environmental Governance from the University of Hong Kong, and is a CFA Charterholder.

銭谷 美幸
第一生命保険株式会社 運用企画部フェロー /
第一生命保有資産の約38兆全体へのESGインテグレーションを推進すると共に第一生命ホールディングスにおけるグローバルサステナビリティの推進。2013年第一生命に入社後、人事部D&I推進室長、責任投資推進室長等を経て現在。第一生命入社前は、外資系運用会社、上場企業財務担当役員,地銀副頭取、PE投資先社外取締役等を歴任。 また、経済産業省、環境省、金融庁、外務省のWG等委員歴任。経団連「建設的対話促進ワーキング・グループ」座長(現任)、GSG国内諮問委員会委員(現任)、連合総研「ESG-S指標に関する調査研究委員会」委員(現任)、VRF(SASB フレームワーク)IAG/APAC共同議長(現任)ほか。

池田 賢志
金融庁 チーフ・サステナブルファイナンス・オフィサー
2019年3月、サステナブルファイナンスの推進に関する事項についての企画及び立案に参画し、関係事務に関し必要な調整を行うため、金融庁に「チーフ・サステナブルファイナンス・オフィサー(CSFO)」のポストが新設されたことに伴い、初代CSFOに就任。 同職においては、民間金融における持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)との整合性向上や、事業者及び金融機関によるTCFD開示の推進などの課題に取り組むほか、「気候リスク等に係る金融当局ネットワーク(NGFS)」における金融庁代表、IPSFトランジションファイナンスワークストリームの共同議長、「インパクト投資に関する勉強会」の副座長を務めるなど、サステナブルファイナンスに関する職務を幅広く所掌。