平成29年度 アジア地域向け輸出管理セミナー 2017 Export Control Seminar for Asian Region

トップぺージ > 産業界アウトリーチセミナー(香港)

2017 Joint Industry Outreach Seminar in Hong Kong

概要 | Summary

日時 | Date 2017年11月17日(金) 9:00 - 15:30(8:30 受付開始)
November 17, 2017 9:00 - 15:30 (8:30 Registration starts)
会場 | Venue カオルーンハーバーフロントホテル
8 Hung Luen Road, Hunghom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話番号 | Telephone Number : + 852 2186 9036
アクセス | Access http://www.harbour-plaza.com/KowloonHarbourfront/Location-en.htm
定員 | Capacity 140名|140 people
主催 | Organizer 経済産業省 | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
香港工業貿易署・税関 | Trade and Industry Department (TID) and Customs and Excise Department (C&ED), The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
使用言語|Working Language 英語(質疑応答及び一部プレゼンテーションは日英通訳、資料は英語のみ)
English (Interpretation service would be available for Q&A session and presentations in Japanese. Note that handouts would be in English only. )
配付資料 | Handouts 配付資料有り | Handouts are available at the seminar.
 Participation is free of charge

プログラム | Agenda

Joint Industry Outreach Seminar in Hong Kong
(November 17, 2017)

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
Opening Remarks
09:00 – 09:15 Mr. Enoch YUEN
Assistant Director for Trade and Industry, Trade and Industry Department (TID)
Mr. Noriyuki KURODA
Director, Security Export Control Administration Division, Trade Control Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
Theme 1: Overview
09:15 – 09:45 Overview of Japan’s Strategic Trade Control
Mr. Noriyuki KURODA
Director, Security Export Control Administration Division, Trade Control Department, METI, Japan
09:45 – 10:15 Overview of Hong Kong’s Strategic Trade Control
Mr. Alan LO
Trade Officer, Strategic Trade Controls Branch, TID
10:15 – 10:35 Q&A Session
10:35 – 10:55 Coffee Break
Theme 2: Implementation of Export Control
10:55 – 11:25 Enforcement activities and ICP Implementation in Japan
Mr. Takayuki SHIINA
Assistant Director, Security Export Control Administration Division, Trade Control Department, METI, Japan
11:25 – 11:55 Enforcement of Strategic Trade Control in Hong Kong
Ms. Shirley KWOK
Deputy Head of Trade Investigation Bureau, Trade Controls Branch, Customs and Excise Department (C&ED)
11:55 – 12:15 Q&A Session
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Break
Theme 3: Experience Sharing in Private Sector
13:30 – 14:00 Importance of Strategic Trade Management and CISTEC’s Roles and Activities
Member of The Board & General Manager, Exporter Services Department, Center for Information on Security Trade Control(CISTEC)
14:00 – 14:30 Best Practices of Compliance to Strategic Trade Control in Hong Kong
Ms. Yanny CHUNG
Trade Officer, Strategic Trade Controls Branch, TID
14:30 – 15:00 Export Control of Japanese Company
General Manager, Transaction Compliance Department, Audit, Compliance & Quality Assurance Headquarters, Yokogawa Electric Corporation
15:00 – 15:20 Q&A Session
Closing Remarks
15:20 – 15:30 Mr. Noriyuki KURODA
Director, Security Export Control Administration Division, Trade Control Department, METI, Japan
Ms. Beatrice CHIU
Principal Trade Officer, Strategic Trade Controls Branch, TID

お申し込みフォーム | Registration Form

Registration for the seminar is closed as we have reached full capacity.

個⼈情報保護 | Privacy Policy

The personal information provided through this form will be used for providing information on the seminar only.

開催実績Past Seminars(過去5年分 | in the last 5 years)

Seminar 2016
Seminar 2015
Seminar 2014
Seminar 2013
Seminar 2012


<産業界アウトリーチセミナー | Joint Industry Outreach Seminar>
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
<アジア輸出管理セミナー | Asian Export Control Seminar>
一般財団法人 安全保障貿易情報センター
Center for Information on Security Trade Control (CISTEC)


Joint Industry Outreach Seminar Secretariat
c/o Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC.
Email: outreach@supportoffice.jp
たいへんお手数ですがTel:+81 3-6213-1251までご連絡ください。
※We may not receive your email in case of systematic errors. If you do not get any response from us within two working days, please call at +81 3-6213-1251.