アジア地域向け輸出管理セミナー Export Control Seminar for Asian Region

トップぺージ > 産業界アウトリーチセミナー(香港)

2014 Joint Industry Outreach Seminar in Hong Kong

日時 | Date 平成27年1月8日(木) 14:00~17:00
8, January, 2015 14:00~17:00
会場 | Venue The Auditorium, 15/F Customs Headquarters Building, 222 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
アクセス | Access http://www.customs.gov.hk/en/about_us/hq_bldg/index.html
定員 | Capacity 70名 | 70 people
主催 | Organizer 経済産業省(日本)、工業貿易署・税関(香港)
Ministry of Economy
Trade and Industry (METI)
The Government of Japan Trade and Industry Department (TID) and Customs and Excise Department (C&ED)
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
使用言語|Working Language 英語/English

プログラム | Agenda

Hong Kong-Japan
Joint Industry Outreach Seminar on Strategic Trade Control
8 January 2015, Hong Kong


1:30-2:00pm Registration
2:00-2:15pm Welcomeand Introductory Remarks
Speaker: Ms Vien Yuen, Principal Trade Officer, Strategic Trade Controls Branch,
Trade and Industry Department, The HKSAR

Speaker: Mr Tadaharu Aotsuka, Deputy Director for International Cooperation, Security
Export Control Policy Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
2:15-2:45pm Japan’s Export Control Law and ICP Implementation
Speaker: Mr Tadaharu Aotsuka, Deputy Director for International Cooperation,
Security Export Control Policy Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2:45-3:15pm Overview and Updates of Hong Kong’s Strategic Trade Control System
Speaker: Ms Yanny Chung, Trade Officer, Strategic Trade Controls Branch,
Trade and Industry Department
3:15-3:30pm Break
3:30-4:00pm Enforcement of Strategic Trade Control in Hong Kong
Speaker: Ms Josephine Au, Deputy Head, Trade Investigation Bureau,
Trade Controls Branch, Customs and Excise Department
4:00-4:30pm Best Practices of Internal Compliance:Practice of Export Control in Toshiba Corporation
Speaker: Mr Shinichi Totsuka, Senior Manager, Export Control Office,
Risk Management Division, Toshiba Corporation
4:30-5:00pm Question & Answer

お申し込みフォーム | Registration Form


主催| Organizer


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), The Government of Japan

一般財団法人 安全保障貿易情報センター

Center for Information on Security Trade Control (CISTEC)

問合せ先| Contact

Joint Industry Outreach Seminar & Asian Export Control Seminar Secretariat

デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング株式会社内
c/o Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd.

Email: outreach@supportoffice.jp

東京都千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビル
Shin-Tokyo Building, 3-3-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan
