Upcoming International Events

Past International Events


4th INREM International Conference 2023

The Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM) at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) held the Fourth International Conference on Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (INREM 2023) on November 21-23, 2023, in Manila, Philippines. The conference aimed to facilitate sharing ideas and experiences on resilience-building, sustainable development, and integrated management of agriculture, the environment, and aquatic and natural resources in the Asia Pacific Region. It included plenary talks, workshops, parallel sessions, and poster presentations showcasing the importance of INREM in local governance and sustainable development.


International Colloquium on Youth, Environment, and Sustainability 15 November 2023

This symposium discussed how the bioproduction system can develop sustainably, ethically, and efficiently within the evolving context of globalization, as well as the role of society, especially the youth, in addressing challenges and issues in bioproduction around the world. The number of participants who submitted abstracts was 46 participants with 30 of them being oral presenters and 16 of them being poster presenters. Full articles submitted by participants are published on the E3S Web Of Conference

Training Seminar Series #5

WEAP: An IWRM tool for addressing issues to water security and human wellbeing

This training seminar by Dr. Kumar showcased the use of the "Water Evaluation and Planning System" (WEAP) software package on 27th November 2023 (online). The participants gained insights into various scenarios produced with WEAP, enabling a comprehensive understanding and modeling of how population growth, infrastructure development, land-use changes, and climate shifts affect water quality and quantity. Additionally, participants explored the effectiveness of different adaptation and mitigation strategies for the responsible management of this invaluable resource. In total, eight participants and other project members attended the training seminar.

Lecture Series #1

Participatory Scenarios Planning for Social-Ecological Landscapes: An Approach to Navigating Uncertainties in the Anthropocene

In this lecture by Elson Galang, he shared his insights about "Participatory Scenarios Planning" (PSP) as a collaborative approach allowing diverse actors to co-develop “storylines of the future” or scenarios. In this presentation on 20th December 2023 (online), he shared a PSP that he conducted to co-explore the environmental futures of Canada’s iconic Bay of Fundy landscape in Nova Scotia. Specifically, the presentation focused on (1) the participatory process of co-developing storylines, (2) four scenarios that re-imagine the landscape under certain 2072 conditions, and (3) further insights on how to organize and facilitate PSPs. With over eight participants, the lecture ended with an in-depth discussion on new ways of scenario building that are more inclusive of local stakeholders.

Lecture Series #2

Bridging Multiple Values of Biodiversity Towards Just and Sustainable Futures

Dr. Suneetha Subramanian's January 17th, 2024 presentation highlighted the diverse ways biodiversity is conceptualized by different stakeholders involved in nature-related decisions, whether intrinsic, instrumental, or relational. The presentation highlighted key lessons from the Multiple Values Assessment of IPBES and linked them to ideas of potential pathways to achieve Sustainability goals and likely outcomes as discussed in the Assessment. Ten participants attended this lecture.




2-day workshop to explore scenario narratives using the Nature Futures Framework (9th and 16th February 2023)

In February, as part of Work Package 2, the project team organized a comprehensive two-day online workshop to develop scenario narratives for our case study site(s) using the Nature Futures Framework (NFF). The workshop started with informative presentations introducing participants to scenario analysis and planning concepts, frameworks, and relevant case studies utilizing the NFF. A concise summary of case studies where the NFF was used to create scenarios identified through the literature review was presented.
After the presentations, an interactive online exercise using a digital whiteboard called Jam board was conducted. The exercise focused on seven key questions designed to guide group work.

The 26 workshop participants were divided into two groups, allowing for in-depth discussions and reflections on the key questions within their respective groups for the identified case-study sites in the Philippines and Indonesia. After one hour of group discussion, a collective discussion was carried out on shared ideas, insights, and perspectives on the key questions. The workshop aimed to foster collaboration and leverage the collective expertise and insights of the participants. By utilizing the NFF and engaging in group discussions, the workshop aimed to generate a wide array of storylines for the scenario narratives.


Sustainability Science 2022 - "Sustainability Science and Glocalization"
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, and Hybrid Zoom Platform

The 5th Conference on Sustainability Science (CSS) 2022 was held on October 11-12, 2022, in a hybrid way in Bandung. It was attended by more than 200 participants from 13 countries. The international conference with the theme "Sustainability Science and Glocalization" was held in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Excellence and Sustainability Science (PULIK)/Centre for Environment and Sustainability Science (CESS) with the Graduate School of Universitas Padjadjaran (SPs Unpad) and the Greening Industry Network (GIN). The hybrid conference held keynote lectures in two plenary sessions and received 90 paper presentations in parallel sessions. More than 200 participants came from 44 institutions from within and outside the country and various groups, including scientists, students, business people, government, community, and media. The conference addressed academic, institutional, and social challenges and explored how alternative local approaches can ensure greater sustainability for people's lives in their interactions globally. For more information, please refer the following link:

Hybrid - Summer Course

Unlocking the Resilience of Traditional Bioproduction System towards Climate Change

The event was organized by the Graduate School of Padjadjaran University and the Center for Environment and Sustainability Science UNPAD (PUIPT-CESS UNPAD) and was supported by the ITMoB project. The online event involved 5 keynote speakers and 10 invited speakers from within and outside the country. Under the theme of "Unlocking the Resilience of Traditional Bioproduction System Towards Climate Change", the course was attended by 168 participants from 20 countries. The 6 days course (22-27 August 2022) with lectures and research-based materials provided 2 credits to students. In addition to online lectures, the course offered field visits to various typical bioproduction systems in Bandung and Sumedang regions. Some of the captured movements are shared below, and the presentation are uploaded for here

Training Seminar Series #4

Tutorials to enhance the capability of science-based decisions making towards climate adaptation through AP-PLAT

Through the #4 training seminar on 23rd June 2022, a scientific tool of AP-PLAT was introduced to the participants. The AP-PLAT is a web-based platform for national and local policymakers, researchers, businesses, and individuals seeking practical, up-to-date information on climate change adaptation and relevant science. The tool enhances the capability of science-based decision-making toward climate adaptation. The contents and tools introduced in the training WS include "ClimoCast" (CMIP6 Climate Projection Viewer), "Climate Impact Viewer," and "Adaptation Literacy" (Capacity development contents). The seminar offered presentations, hands-on, and demo videos. The seminar was attended by 23 participants, and the presentation file for the same can be availed through the following link.

Training Seminar Series #3

Quantification and Mapping of Ecosystem Services in Data-sparse Regions for Better Management of Bioproduction Ecosystems

As a part of technical capacity-building activity under WP 6, the series #3 training seminar was conducted on 30th March 2022. The focus areas were quantification and mapping of Water provisions, Carbon storage and sequestration, and sediment retention services. The forum offered a presentation and demo to over 34 participants to learn modeling skills on quantification and mapping of ecosystem services. The presentation file is available from the link below.


2nd Workshop

The 2nd Workshop of the project was held on 22nd March 2022 with around 30 project members. Following the opening remarks by all the lead PI’s, all WP coordinators presented the updates of their respective WPs. For the WP updates, please refer to the workshop notes. For the presentations of all the WPs, please refer to the workshop presentations.

Training Seminar Series #2

LANDIS-II training seminar in Asia
7th December 2021 (15:00-17:00-JST)

Under work package 6, training seminars are conducted as part of the technical capacity-building activity. The LANDIS-II hands-on training was part of this seminar series, focusing on forest landscape modeling. The forum offered a presentation and hands-on training to over 30 participants to learn forest landscape modeling skills for scenario analysis. The presentation file is available from the link below. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jK2IISgQ01EQw8EU8pYVBk2tacT3YgSS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117815215847929830875&rtpof=true&sd=true

3rd ESP Asia Conference, 2021

Eco-health and ecosystem services in Asia: Bottom-up aspects for planetary health

Organized by- University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
Theme: Advancing Resilience and Sustainable Development Through INREM

The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) held the third ESP Asia Regional conference on December 14-17, 2021, hosted by Nagasaki University. The theme of the virtual conference was “Eco-health and ecosystem services in Asia: Bottom-up aspects for planetary health.” Among several sessions, the ITMoB project conducted session T6 on “Integration of traditional and modern bioproduction systems for a sustainable and resilient future.” The six presenters from Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia presented some preliminary results, case studies, and methods to carry out the research work.
This link can refer to the presentations of the session.

3rd International Conference on Integrated Natural Resource and Environment Management (INREM)

The INREM international conference was organized on 17th and 18th November 2021 by the University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines. The virtual forum on "Advancing Resilience and Sustainable Development Through INREM" conducted various sessions. The ITMoB project members presented preliminary research findings in the "Building Sustainable and Resilient Future of Small Islands under Climate and Ecosystem Changes" session. The session had a fruitful discussion with 50-60 participants. The presentation files are available from the link below.

International Colloquium on Youth, Environment, and Sustainability (ICYES 2021)
7th October 2021

Organized by – Center for Environment and Sustainability Science, Graduate School on Environmental studies, and Sustainability Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. The event was attended by over 200 participants. Please check out the meeting recording and event YouTube link for more details. Please refer to below link for meeting recording: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/gfEXR_Owf7quB8RcpoYVcw7l4FUqiqli5799SsnHkMxtxk7vIFnqMESwUWKG_3qe.gQlQzQciB7c6_kwB
YouTube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD0b5FKggy0&t=2503s
Presentation link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wy0eFuAOZslrDXhlar7OfQCksXIroUjU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117815215847929830875&rtpof=true&sd=true

Open online seminar

Managing Landscapes for Climate Change by IALE President, Prof. Robert Scheller
20th September 2021 (20:00 JST)

The event was organized by Japan Association for Landscape Ecology and Co-organized by Diversity Research and Environment Promotion Office, Hokkaido University and eAsia “ITMoB Project”. For the recording of the presentation please refer to the YouTube link:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLULndXiQmhwhtZ6sTkBRIWfTWgjfwVQe

Training Seminar Series #1

Modeling on Population Distribution Projection for Scenario Analysis
3rd September 2021 (15:00-17:00 JST)

Over 60 participants joined the training seminar on population distribution modeling. Following the below link, the agenda and other presentation material can be availed.

Kick-off workshop

The first kick-off workshop of the project was held on 15th July 2021 with around 80 participants. For the presentations about the project overview and work package details please refer to the workshop notes.

Local Events


Orientation and Training

For the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed Farmers Household Survey

In preparation for implementing the Farmers Household Survey in Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed, orientation and training were held with hired field enumerators and coordinators on October 6 and 7, 2023, respectively. The training was organized under the e-Asia ITMoB project, Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños. During the orientation, survey protocols, survey modules, and a brief lecture on choice modelling were discussed. To gain experience, pretesting with farmers from Lumban was also conducted. The accepted enumerators were deployed in the field for the survey on October 16, 2023, and are expected to finish by November or December 2023. It was attended by 16 participants.

Orientation and Training

Baroro Watershed Farmer’s Survey

Work Package 5, led by Dr. Asa Sajise, facilitated the enumerator's orientation and training for the Baroro Watershed Farmer's Survey from April 2 to 3, 2024. The event was held in the Old Sangguniang Panlalawigan Conference Room in the Provincial Capitol of San Fernando City, organized in collaboration with the Provincial Government of La Union. Twelve participants attended.

ITMoB Philippine Team Formalized University Partnerships Through MOA and MOU (March and April 2023)

The ITMoB Project in the Philippines, through its implementing agency UPLB-INREM, recently formalized partnerships with state universities located adjacent to their study sites through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Batangas State University (BatStateU) in the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed and Memorandum of Agreement with the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) in the Baroro Watershed.
The legal documents, which were signed and ratified in March 2023 and April 2023, respectively, represent the academic partners' commitment to provide unwavering assistance in achieving the project's goals for the benefit of diverse watershed stakeholders. The project team will then carry out technical assistance and capacity-building efforts to ensure lessons learned are incorporated into their work.

Pre-Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practice (Pre-IKSP) Conferences in La Union, Philippines (23rd February 2023)

The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) headquarters in Pugo, La Union, Philippines which have jurisdiction over the municipalities with indigenous peoples and indigenous cultural communities within the Baroro Watershed, were visited by the ITMoB Philippines project team for a pre-FPIC discussion. The pre-FPIC conferences aimed to discuss the ITMoB project and to complete the work and financial plan (WFP) for a series of actions related to obtaining IKSP permission. The WFP for the two district offices was completed and signed following the successful sessions.

Forum on Bioproduction Systems and Site Visit to Different Bioproduction Systems in Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed, Laguna, Philippines (31st March 2023)

The Laguna Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resources Office (Laguna PG-ENRO) and the University of the Philippines Los Banos Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (UPLB-INREM) jointly organized a Forum on Bioproduction Systems in Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed held in the Executive Conference Room of the Provincial Governor's Office, Sta. Cruz, Laguna on March 31, 2023. The forum was organized as part of the implementation of the Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for a Sustainable and Resilient Future Under Climate and Ecosystems Changes (ITMoB) Project. The forum was participated by more than sixty (60) watershed stakeholders including representatives of national government agencies and local government units.
Following the forum, the ITMoB Project Team and some LGU representatives visited Majayjay’s APA Farm and Troy Integrated Farms, as well as Cavinti’s Lumot Lake. Farming and fishing practices and systems, as well as issues and concerns in production and marketing, were discussed during the visit.

Community Meetings with Indigenous Peoples’ Leaders in Baroro Watershed (18th, 19th, and 21st April 2023)

Three (3) community presentations were successfully held on April 18, 19, and 21, respectively, in San Gabriel, Bagulin, and Santol, in coordination with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Districts in La Union. The meetings are part of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) process for obtaining the Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) within the Baroro Watershed. ICCs/IPs representatives from every barangay in the watershed were present at the conference. In the meetings, Dr. Juan Pulhin and Dr. Lorena Sabino presented the project details and sought the leaders of the IP to give their approval for the project's implementation in their regions. To recommend policy interventions for its management, they emphasized that the project will only seek information from the farmers and residents in the watershed. The discussions ended with the indigenous chiefs' approval of the project team's proposal by the indigenous chiefs, who also signed resolutions as proof of their agreements.

Forum on Bioproduction Systems and Site Visit to Different Bioproduction Systems in Baroro Watershed (20th April 2023)

The Forum on Baroro Watershed Bioproduction Systems was co-organized by the UPLB-INREM and La Union PG-ENRO. It occurred on April 20, 2023, at the PDRRM Council Conference Room in San Fernando City, La Union. Its goals were to present the project team's preliminary findings to the watershed stakeholders, solicit feedback from the audience, and discuss the project's upcoming activities. More than 30 watershed stakeholders, including officials from local governments and national government agencies having jurisdiction over the watershed, attended the meeting.
Following the forum, the ITMoB project team and representatives from PG-ENRO visited the Lotus Valley Farm in San Juan, and La Union River Farm in Bacnotan. The site visit aims to familiarize and have an onsite appreciation of the various bioproduction systems in the watershed.

Training on Selected Valuation Methods

On 18-19 May 2023, a Training on Selected Valuation Methods was conducted as part of the second series of training and seminars conducted by UPLB-INREM through its DOST-PCAARRD-funded projects, one of which is "Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for a Sustainable and Resilient Future Under Climate and Ecosystems Changes (ITMoB)’’. This activity intends to equip or capacitate partner agencies and institutions by utilizing various valuation methods that enable economics to guide evidence-based decision-making for natural resources and the environment. The training was attended by 41 participants from partner LGUs, SUCs, and NGAs of the ITMoB and other DOST PCAARRD funded projects of UPLB INREM.

Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed Scenario Building Workshop

A multi-stakeholder Scenario Building Workshop in the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed was conducted on 20 June 2023 at the Laguna Sports Complex in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, in coordination with the Laguna Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resources Office (Laguna PG-ENRO). The workshop engaged around 100 stakeholders from national government agencies, local government units of Cavinti, Kalayaan, Luisiana, Lumban, Magdalena, Majayjay, and Pagsanjan in Laguna and Lucban in Quezon, farmers and fisherfolks (28), youth, academe, and the private sector. The participants identified the challenges and opportunities for the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed, envisioned scenarios for the watershed in 2050, and recommended strategies to achieve their shared vision.
All sectoral groups crafted their own 2050 vision statements for the watershed, which were presented and processed during the plenary. After the discussion, the participants agreed on a shared vision statement for the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed, which states that:
“By 2050, we envision the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed to be a thriving haven that provides balanced ecology, sustainable and climate-smart bioproduction systems (agri-fisheries) and ecotourism, co-managed by environmentally-conscious, empowered, and disciplined stakeholders uplifting the quality of life of the present and future generations.”
Dr. Juan Pulhin, the Project leader, concluded the event by presenting the project’s ways forward and emphasized that the workshop outputs will serve as a vital guidepost in crafting science-based future scenarios (Year 2050) for the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed.

Baroro Watershed Scenario Building Workshop

On 11th July 2023, the ITMoB Team conducted a Scenario Building Workshop at the Puerto de San Juan Resort Hotel in La Union. The workshop aimed to develop a vision for the Bararo watershed in 2050 and witnessed the participation of more than 100 stakeholders, including representatives of indigenous peoples, farmers, youth, academics, the private sector, national government agencies, and local government units of Bacnotan, Bagulin, San Juan, San Fernando City, San Gabriel, and Santol. Dr. Lorena Sabino facilitated the consolidation and processing of the visions crafted by the stakeholders. Upon consolidation, the stakeholders agreed on one vision for the Baroro Watershed 2050: “By 2050, we envision the Baroro watershed to be a nationally-recognized model of a co-managed watershed with a resilient community and sustainable ecosystems and bioproduction systems, towards a progressive economy achieved through responsible production and consumption.”
Dr. John Pulhin successfully concluded the workshop and commended the participants for tuning diversity and differences into a positive outcome. He highlighted the remarkable beauty of unity in diversity that emerged during the workshop.

IPMR MOA Signing and Issuance of NCIP Certification Precondition

The Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative (IPMRs) from six municipalities in Baroro Watershed signed the MOA on August 22, 2023. Representatives from the Office of Provincial Government - Environment and Natural Resources Office also witnessed the signing event. The MOA is one of the requirements the NCIP needs to secure a Certification Precondition to formalize the implementation of ITMoB Project in areas covered by the Indigenous Communities. On September 6, 2023, the certification was approved and issued by NCIP Regional 1 Director, Atty approved and issued the certification. Harriet Abdyadang.

Participation at “Developing in Climate Information Services in Health and Agriculture Under a OneHealth Approach: Exploring Areas of Convergence for a Whole of Government Intervention” Conference (co-organized by GIZ SSCIS Project and UPLB - INREM)

As part of the project’s commitment to capacitate its partners, members of the ITMoB Technical Working Group from Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed led by Mr. Marlon Tobias, the Laguna Provincial Agriculturist, and the Municipal agriculturists/technicians from Cavinti, Lumban, Majayjay, and Magdalena were invited to join the "Developing Climate Information Services in Health and Agriculture under a OneHealth Approach: Exploring Areas for Collaboration" conference, co-organized by the GIZ South-South Collaboration on Climate Information Services (SSCIS) and UPLB INREM on August 10-11, 2023 at UP BGC, Taguig City. During the 2-day event, they gained insights and developed their knowledge of mainstreaming science-based decision-making through the application of Climate Information Services in Agriculture.
Furthermore, Mr. Marlon Tobias also emphasized the LGU’s collaborative partnership with UPLB INREM through the ITMoB project in working towards achieving a sustainable and resilient future under climate and ecosystem changes. Around 100 participants from the health and agriculture fields in national and local government, academia, and the private sector attended the conference above.


Focus Group Discussion on "Integration Traditional and Modern Bioproduction System" Held at BAPPPPEDA Office in Sumedang Regency, West Java (4th-5th July 2023)

Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia - The Center for Environment and Sustainability Science (CESS) at Universitas Padjadjaran, in collaboration with the Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (BAPPPPEDA) of Sumedang Regency, successfully organized a two-day Focus Group Discussion (FGD) held from July 4th to July 5th, 2023. The event, which took place at the BAPPPPEDA office in Sumedang Regency, garnered the participation of over 50 invitees, including government stakeholders and farmer groups from the Sumedang region. The event served as a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences among various stakeholders to develop a robust framework for integrating traditional and modern bioproduction systems. The FGD is expected to mark a significant step in strengthening bioproduction systems in Sumedang Regency. By combining indigenous knowledge with modern technological innovations, stakeholders aim to establish concrete steps toward enhancing agricultural productivity while maintaining environmental sustainability.

Internal Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for NFF Scenario Development in Case Study Site (April 29, 2023)

The internal FGD was conducted to construct storylines for scenario development using nature value perspectives. Storylines were prepared based on the seven key questions provided and discussed during the two previous workshops. Some secondary data supplemented the narrative explanation of the storylines, and empirical findings aggregated from previous intensive social and economy surveys in three main study sites (Rancakalong, Paseh, Jatigede), annual reports of the local and regional agencies, and previous studies conducted in recent years. Mainly, the narrative scenarios that need to be assisted by some of the secondary data are challenges and opportunities. The completed storylines can help decision-makers, stakeholders, and researchers to anticipate and prepare for future changes.

Stingless Bee Cultivation Training as A Form of Community Empowerment (4th September 2023)

Stingless beekeeping training was held on Monday, September 4th, 2023, in Ciranggem Village, Jatigede District, Sumedang Regency, as a form of community service. It can help communities generate profits by selling bee products, namely honey, bee pollen, and propolis. Stingless bee cultivation does not require intensive care and is relatively safe. It can provide economic benefits and support nature conservation through pollination ecosystem services provided by bees.

Research Results Dissemination Podcast (October 2023)

Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction System: Case Study of Sumedang Regency was selected by the Directorate of Research and Community Service in collaboration with the Faculty of Communication Sciences as research disseminated and broadcast on the Podcast and YouTube channel of Universitas Padjadjaran. The podcast discusses the results of research and cooperation conducted by Universitas Padjadjaran with partners from Japan and the Philippines.


WP4 members in Japan visited Sado Island from July 4th to 6th, 2022. The purpose of the fieldwork was to 1) preliminary vegetation survey on abandoned paddy fields and 2) meet with an administrative officer for agricultural policy. Beautiful Satoyama landscapes were maintained in plain areas, but some farmlands were abandoned due to the aging of farmers. Most of the abandoned farmland remains grassland. At the meeting at the city hall, we discussed the renewable energy introduction in harmony with nature. Some pictures from the field visit.


InVEST Training Seminar

As part of capacity-building activity under the ITMoB project in collaboration with “Research for Development: Payment for Ecosystem Services Outcome for Sustainable Water Provision (R4D: PESO SWaP) in Baroro Watershed, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines,” a UPLB INREM team conducted a two-and-half-day training workshop on Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) on 20-22 June 2022 via Zoom platform. Invited participants were from partner stakeholders of the two projects.

The activity aimed to capacitate teams of faculty and researchers from different state universities and interested staff from Local Government Units and National Government Agencies in using the InVEST modeling software package for mapping and valuing ecosystem goods and services. Specialists and project staff, namely Dr. Asa Jose Sajise, Dr. Canesio Predo, Dr. Cristino Tiburan, Jr., and Asst. Prof. Jan Joseph Dida, provided lectures on basic concepts of the InVEST modeling tool. Asst. Prof. Jan Joseph Dida, together with Asst. Prof. Nico Almarines, led the step-by-step application of the tool. Thirty-three participants with backgrounds in geographic information systems, economics, forestry, engineering, and hydrology attended the workshop.

Coordination Meeting with the MAOs and MENROs of the municipalities within PLW

A virtual coordination meeting with the Municipal Agriculturists (MAO) and the Municipal Environmental Officers (MENRO) of the municipalities covering the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed was organized on June 15, 2022. The meeting aimed to centralize the necessary administrative and logistical preparations as we conduct a municipal-level FGD with the key stakeholders in the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed. Representatives from each of the municipalities were present during the meeting. A total of 17 LGU representatives expressed their cooperation in the continuation of the project despite the changes in the local executives of the other municipalities.

Coordination Meeting with DENR CENRO Santa Cruz

The ITMoB project team members, led by project specialist Dr. Josephine Garcia visited the DENR CENRO Santa Cruz office on June 1, 2022. The purpose of the meeting is to touch base with the agency, and meet with For. Venerando Garcia, CENR Officer of DENR CENRO Santa Cruz, and his staff plan the upcoming project activities within the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed. It was agreed that in terms of planning for the upcoming clustered FGD, it is crucial to have an initial discussion with the MAOs and MENROs of the concerned municipalities. This led to the planned joint coordination meeting with municipalities within PLW and DENR CENRO Santa Cruz on June 15, 2022

Focus Group Discussion in the Municipality of Cavinti

To further substantiate the preliminary identification and characterization of the bioproduction systems within the Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed, a follow-up face-to-face FGD was conducted in Cavinti, Laguna, on April 28, 2022. This activity was organized to provide more context on the identified key bioproduction systems and implore perceptions on current issues or problems within the watershed. A total of 30 participants were present, including the LGU Officials (MAO, MENRO, MPDO), Barangay Councilor on Environment, Farmer Association representatives, and some personnel from NPC Caliraya-Lumot Watershed Ecological Community (CLWEC).

Stakeholders Consultation Meeting

A Stakeholders Consultation Meeting was organized on March 14, 2022, to conduct an online preliminary identification and characterization of the bioproduction systems within Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed. The workshop meeting had two activity sessions. The plenary session was primarily focused on defining the bioproduction systems, while the breakout session identified the key bioproduction systems present in each of the municipalities within the watershed. The online activity was attended by around 50 participants from different LGUs and NGAs.

Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed Focal Persons Meeting

The Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed Focal Persons Meeting was conducted on February 2, 2022. During the meeting, the focal persons from partner institutions and the project team were able to discuss specific actions on how to co-learn, co-develop, and co-manage the project during its duration and beyond. The meeting participants gave a positive response and committed to engaging in the project. The agreements are formalized with the different agencies through various means.

Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed Kick-off Meeting

The Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed kick-off meeting occurred on December 13, 2021. The event aimed to introduce the ITMoB project to key stakeholders from local government units, government agencies, civil society organizations, and the academic institutions located within and around Pagsanjan-Lumban Watershed and discuss collaborative efforts to ensure the success of various activities. Invited partners acknowledged the timeliness and need of the project, mentioned their willingness to collaborate and support project implementation, expressed commitment to allocate focal persons for the project, and guaranteed that the science-based project output will be used as a basis for crafting policy and input in planning and management. The virtual meeting was attended by 50 participants.

Baroro Watershed Kick-off Meeting

The Baroro Watershed kick-off meeting was conducted on December 1, 2021. It was co-organized by the Watershed-based Approach for Integrated Land Use Planning (WILUP) and ITMoB as both projects share a common study site: the Baroro Watershed in La Union. The event aimed to introduce the two projects to key stakeholders from local government units, government agencies, civil society organizations, and the academe located within and around Baroro Watershed and discuss collaborative efforts to ensure the success of various activities. From the meeting, it was evident that the long-withstanding partnership between UPLB, Baroro Watershed Management Council (BWMC), and San Gabriel LGU gives the projects an advantage. Other key partners also expressed their commitment to support the implementation of the project. The online meeting was attended by 58 participants.


Focus Group Discussion (FGD): CESS Universitas Padjadjaran with Sumedang Regency Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency (BAPPPPEDA), Indonesia

FGD July 1, 2022

To jointly develop a common framework for scenarios for bioproduction systems per the ITMoB project's objective under work package-2, PUI-PT CESS researchers conducted FGD activities with stakeholders in the Sumedang Regency area. On Monday, July 1, 2022, in collaboration with the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (BAPPPPEDA) of the Sumedang Regency Government, the first FGD was conducted. Twenty-four participants from the related agencies and sub-district governments attended the FDG. Following the opening speech and presentations by researchers, the participants discussed issues faced by the bioproduction systems in their regions. Further, the participants fill in a questionnaire to evaluate the indicators from Nature Future Framework. The date for the next FDG activity was agreed upon to discuss scenario building further.

FGD July 31, 2022

The FGD activity was attended by 24 people from various groups of bioproduction systems from several sub-districts in Sumedang Regency, namely farmer groups for sweet potato, coffee, rice, vegetables, cattle, goats, and sheep, fisheries, and forest farmer groups. The FGD began by filling out a questionnaire/questionnaire to compile an assessment of the Nature Futures Framework (NFF) to determine the perception of human relations with nature by assessing personal preferences and ideas about different value perspectives of NFF. Then, the FGD activities were continued by forming discussion groups from several farmer groups and estimating strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations from each group of bioproduction systems with various existing commodities.

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